07 Oct
כנסיית האל הכול יכול | הופעה כוראלית בקנה מידה גדול קדימון ל-"המנון המלכות: המלכות יורדת אל העולם"

כנסיית האל הכול יכול,מלכותו של המשיח

כנסיית האל הכול יכול | הופעה כוראלית בקנה מידה גדול קדימון ל-"המנון המלכות: המלכות יורדת אל העולם"

You learn this good news in advance that even rabbis don't know. The kingdom of the Messiah has fulfilled!

Look!!! The Kingdom of God which has been earnestly longed for by God's people has descended! This is such euphorius news that is spreading all over the world!

"Thousands-Year Yearning Has Finally Come True! The Holy One From  Israel Has Come!

Every one of us is yearning for the coming of the Holy One in the book of prophet to bring us peace and change the old world. The adults will not worry about the wars, and the children can play without care or worry... We are all praying for these wishes. Thank G-d for listening to our prayers. Today I want to share this great good news with you: The Holy One we have yearned for thousands of years has come and done new work. After listening to this message, maybe you are excited, or maybe you are a little confused. If the Moshiach has come, why do we not know? What is the new work of He?... No matter what you think about it, it doesn't matter. May all of us can be quiet and read the following Page with a seeking heart. I believe you will find the answer you need."

כנסיית האל הכול יכול,מלכותו של המשיח

Listen! Kingdom anthem has sounded! Look! All people are singing and dancing to celebrate the descent of God's kingdom. Hearing this exciting message, what are you still waiting for?

Do you know the Messiah has descended? What is like the scene of G-d’s chosen people celebrating the coming of the Messiah? Let's expect the release of this choral performance and look forward to the answer!

כנסיית האל הכול יכול,מלכותו של המשיח

Do you know what the scene of the descent of G-d's kingdom is like? Do you know what the feeling of the people who live in the kingdom of heaven is? Do you know when this moment will come? The chorus work "The Kingdom Descends on the World" will reveal the answer for us.

כנסיית האל הכול יכול,מלכותו של המשיח

"G-d’s kingdom, the expectation of millennium, ultimately befall!!
Before the solemn temple, the imperial band is neatly in rows, singing loudly and dancing to celebrate the descent of G-d’s kingdom. There appears happy smiles on their faces, the millennium expectation that we can gather with G-d ultimately come true! My friend, do you know this good news?
Please keep focusing on the large-scale choral performance THE KINGDOM DESCENDS ON THE WORLD, it will guide you to experience the true scene of the descent of G-d’s kingdom."

כנסיית האל הכול יכול,מלכותו של המשיח

"New heaven and earth have appeared, the happy life in the kingdom has started!
After being corrupted by Satan, mankind lost the beautiful life in the Garden of Eden and became more and more decadent, living in misery and darkness. The only and greatest yearning in our heart is to await G-d to come and bring us beautiful kingdom!
Thank G-d for His love for us! Though we are corrupted by Satan, G-d has been saving us silently. He looks into the deep of our heart and listens to our prayer. Nowadays, our greatest yearning has come true! G-d’s kingdom has descended on the world! Please listen: “The people cheer G-d, the people praise G-d, praise G-d; all mouths name the one true G-d, the one true G-d, the one true G-d. The kingdom descends on the world. … Who would not celebrate for this? Who would not dance with joy for this?”
A large-scale choral performance, Kingdom Anthem—The Kingdom Descends on the World, performed by over 350 people, will be released soon! Let’s look forward to it!"

ייתכן שתאהב גם...

הופעה כוראלית בקנה מידה גדול - "המנון המלכות: המלכות יורדת אל העולם" | קדימון מלא

מוזיקה ישראלית חדשה – עדות לעוצמתו של הבורא – שבחים למעשי האל

Special statement:


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